Our community is a friendly place with lots of groups and societies for you to get involved in various activities.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. We offer FREE help and support for anyone who has an addiction alcohol.
Meets at: St Mark's Church Hall
Tel: 0800 9177 650
Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/
Held at St Mark's Church Hall on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays from 7pm. £7 per person. Private dance lessons on Saturdays from 12 noon.
Tel: 07799 701 815
Email: jackie@ballroom-blitz.co.uk
Website: www.ballroom-bltiz.co.uk
A friendly Salsa club, we welcome new members who want to dance with us. We run weekly classes every Thursday 7.30pm - 11.00pm. Come along and join us!
Meets at: The Lever Club, Greendale Road, Port Sunlight Village, Wirral CH62 4XB
Tel: xxxx
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Port-Sunlight-Salsa-610030915867628/
Established in 2006, New Ferry Rangers has multiple junior and youth teams, ranging from 6 years up to 16 years and beyond. We also have numerous girls teams in multiple age categories.
Website: www.newferryrangers.com
Wirral Roller Derby (WRD) was founded in March 2011 to provide the Wirral with a Flat Track Roller Derby League that could progress as part of the rapidly growing Roller Derby community. The purpose and unified goal of WRD is to create a fun, enriching environment that develops its members' attitude, athleticism and passion for the sport. Join our league and learn to skate!
Meets at: New Ferry Village Hall
Website: wirralrollerderby.co.uk/index.html
Wirral Shotokan offers you a better version of yourself, whether you train to lose weight, build stamina, improve speed or skills. We are a martial arts club specialising in Shotokan Karate, although we also incorporate several other martial arts into our training regime. We are a friendly, easy going club who welcomes new members.
Meets at: New Ferry Village Hall
Website: www.wirralshotokankarate.co.uk
Tel: 07774 200 947
With guiding girls have fun, adventure and the space to discover their potential, having fun and trying new things with friends.
Meets at: St Mark's Church Hall
Tel: Ann Witter on 07761 120 364
Email: Ann.witter@hotmail.com
Website: www.girlguiding.org.uk/
At Bebington Sea Cadets, we aim to give young people an experience that will help them grow into the person they want to be in a safe and friendly environment, learning teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline, and honesty.
Address: Sea Cadets Bebington, Cornwell Close, New Ferry CH62 1BG
On: Sea Cadets (12-18): Mondays and Thursdays, 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Junior Cadets (10-12): Mondays and Thursdays, 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Telephone: 0151 645 1528
Email: bebingtonscc@gmail.com
Website: www.sea-cadets.org/bebington/