Pop-Up Markets / How to register your interest in booking a pitch from 2025
New Ferry's district centre has suffered following the 2017 explosion which took out several shops; and businesses have been unable to reopen. The CLT's pop-up markets are designed to give local people who have started their own fledgling businesses but who don't have a premises to trade from to come to our precinct and offer their wares to our residents and potential visitors to the town.
The CLT aims to hold 4 events per year. The markets are open to anyone who has a fledgling business, and who has their own public liability insurance (evidence must be provided when applying for a pitch space). Anyone who prepares/cooks any food items that they sell must provide evidence of their food hygiene safety rating which they have been awarded by their local authority. Please note that the CLT has a pitch space charge, and also ask for a refundable deposit which is returned to you if you turn up on the day. They supply only the space in the street for your stall; the CLT does not supply gazebos or tables - you will need to bring your own.
We ran the markets from 2019 to 2022, but have had to pause them since early 2023 for various reasons. The intention is to restart the markets from early 2025. Dates will be announced in Spring 2025.
Businesses who want to come to the markets should send an email to newferrymarkets@gmail.com to request to go on the circulation list for application forms.