On this page you will find the latest Community News and Announcements, with archived items further down.
You can read a transcript of the speeches made at the ceremony by the Lord Lieutenant Mark Blundell and deputies Sue Higginson and Capt Hugh Daglish.
The KAVS Award ceremony
Lieutenancy speech - New Ferry KAVS award (pdf)
DownloadNew Ferry Community Land Trust, a group of volunteers based in New Ferry have been awarded The King’s Award for Voluntary Service for 2024. This is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE.
New Ferry Community Land Trust was established in November 2018 following the devastating explosion which shattered the Wirral suburban town in March 2017. A group of residents came together and volunteered their time to organise monthly community litter picks, install and maintain planting boxes around the district centre, and organise community events and environmental projects. In 2020 the CLT was awarded a grant from the Town Centre Fund by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to assist with initial running costs of the Community Land Trust, fund events, and to purchase and refurbish a building in the district centre as shops and flats, with the rental income to be used in perpetuity to fund community projects in New Ferry.
The New Ferry Community Land Trust are now being honoured for their voluntary efforts by being given the Kings Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS). Created in 2002 to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee and previously known as The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS), the Award has been shining a light on the fantastic work of voluntary groups from all across the UK for many years. Equivalent to an MBE, KAVS is the highest Award given to local voluntary groups in the UK, and they are awarded for life. The award was announced today (14th November) in the King’s Birthday Honours List.
Over the last six years, the three volunteer board members of the CLT – who all have full time commitments elsewhere, have given their time to organising community art projects including murals on several buildings; supported the “New Ferry – Our Patch” programme where residents have created small community gardens on previously uncared for public land; organised the town’s Christmas tree and lights; and with a small army of dedicated volunteers aged 8 to 80, run monthly litter picks, organised clean ups of back alleys, and held community markets and summer festivals in New Ferry Park including the Queens Jubilee celebration in 2022.
Their building refurbishment project at 78-80 New Chester Road, delayed by the Covid pandemic, was partially completed in 2022 when Becky’s Unique Sewing Boutique moved in to one of the ground floor retail units. Completion of the four flats is currently 95% completed, having been further delayed by challenging structural issues faced by the 123 year old building which are currently being resolved with additional support by registered social housing provider Regenda. The first of the 1 and 2 bedroomed flats will be available for rent in Spring 2025.
New Ferry Community Land Trust is one of 281 local charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the prestigious award this year. Their work, along with others from across the UK, reminds us of all the ways fantastic volunteers are contributing to their local communities and working to make life better for those around them. The King’s Award for Voluntary Service aims to recognise outstanding work by local volunteer groups to support their communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate Her Majesty The late Queen’s Golden Jubilee and, was continued following the accession of His Majesty The King. 2024 marks the second year of The King’s Award for Voluntary Service.
Recipients are announced annually on 14th November, The King’s Birthday. Award winners this year are wonderfully diverse and include volunteer groups from across the UK, such as a mental health and wellbeing support network for veterans and their families in Yorkshire; a group preserving a historic 12th century castle in south Wales; volunteers providing English lessons for refugees in Stirling; and an organisation providing opportunities to engage in the arts for people with learning disabilities in County Fermanagh.
The award crystal and certificate will be officially presented to the three board members by Mark Blundell, Lord-Lieutenant of Merseyside early next year. Receiving the award on behalf of the volunteer organisation are board members Margie Kegg (62) who has full time responsibilities caring for her mother; Mark Anthony Craig (61) who works for Liverpool City Council; and Margaret Evans (74) who works for Intertek CRS. In addition, two of the volunteers from the group will attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace in May or June 2025, along with other recipients of this year’s Award.
New Ferry CLT Chair, Margie Kegg said: “This award is a true honour for our organisation and the work it does behind the scenes in New Ferry. It has been tough for everyone, particularly in the additional time we have had to dedicate to getting our building project over the line.
“We are so proud that we were nominated for this award. However, none of what we have achieved would have been possible without the support of so many community volunteers including Gerry Evans, Sue Percy, Stewart Finch and all those who regularly attend the community litter picks, fix our Christmas lights, and run our community events; as well as Neil Mitchell and Lee Parker from Wirral Borough Council. They have all helped us to put the heart back into the community of New Ferry.”
The volunteers being given this award today include:
· Margaret Kegg (Chair)
· Margaret Evans (Vice Chair)
· Mark Anthony Craig (Secretary/Treasurer)
· Steve Niblock
· Anne Louise Craig
· Jan Richardson
· Callum Edge
· Steve Heappey
· Neil Mitchell (Wirral Borough Council)
· Lee Parker (Wirral Borough Council)
· Lisa Woodworth
· Gerry Evans (LP, EW, EV)
· Stewart Finch (EV)
· Sam Jelenski (LP, EW, EV)
· Alex Tomaszewska (LP, EW, EV)
· Jeremy Jelenski (LP)
· Lloyd Whitby (LP)
· Alfie Whitby (LP)
· Tilly Whitby (LP)
· Sue Percy (LP, EV)
· John Percy (LP)
· Pauline Power (EV)
· Karen Daniels (EW)
· Peter Johnson (EW)
· Emma Sutton (EW)
· Helen Sestan-Burton (LP, EV)
· Toni Varns (LP)
· Janet Withe (LP)
· Joan Nethercote (LP)
· Ben Torr (LP)
· James Coll (LP)
· Peter Lamey (LP)
You may have heard about the Mersey Barrage before now, but what you might not realise is how much this project COULD affect New Ferry more than any other community.
This proposal is not new. It's been suggested before, back in 1989 and again around 2010. On both of those occasions, the "preferred" site for it was from the New Ferry shore at the top end of the River Park over to the Britannia Pub next to the Liverpool Garden Festival. On both those occasions there was strong opposition from ecology experts concerned about the impact the project would have on the bird-feeding mudflats at New Ferry's SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) at Shorefields. Those plans came to nothing ....but were shelved until now.
This time they have been very careful in NOT showing the context of where the barrage will go. You will see on THEIR CGI images that nothing is shown on the shoreline to suggest its location so as not to provoke any early opposition.
However, let us assume that the previous studies which showed the location off New Ferry as being the ideal/optimum/cheapest option for maximum benefit one (as it was on the previous occasions) are still valid and under consideration. If that is the case, THIS image is the one that shows the barrage and the impact it will have on New Ferry. I'm not saying the project shouldn't go ahead - the "green" generation of electric power is undoubtedly a good thing. And the barrage would be quite a sight for tourists to see and could bring more people to New Ferry's waterfront to see it, especially from the top of Port Sunlight River Park. There would also be the opportunity for a "green link" connecting the River Park and Shorefields with the Liverpool Garden Festival Park. The downside would be over 5 years or more of construction traffic potentially passing through New Ferry whilst it is being built.
The Combined Authority is currently running a "public consultation" about the "new" barrage project at various locations around Merseyside - surprisingly, NOT one in New Ferry. More details can be found at https://www.liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk/.../public...
Mersey Barrage
With Regenda now gearing up to move on site to begin New Ferry's district centre redevelopment following the 2017 explosion, they have just published their first newsletter.
Printed copies have been delivered to homes and businesses closest to the affected sites, so for everyone else we are publishing the newsletter here.
The newsletter explains what will be built on Site B (where Lan's House and other shops once stood), and Site C (the explosion site). Regenda is expected to move onto the site before christmas and set up their compound area, whilst hoardings will be erected around the sites. Actual building work will commence in the New Year.
Finalised plans for site A (Woodhead Street Car Park and the derelict shops along New Chester Road), and site D (the former Co-op) are expected to be submitted for planning approval (AND for comments from all of YOU!) before the end of this year. Please bear in mind that these will include building over the WHOLE of Woodhead Street Car Park.
To read Regenda's newsletter as a PDF, please click the link below.
If you cannot open the document, Google "Adobe PDF Reader" and download the driver from the internet. Printed copies of the newsletter will also be placed in the community noticeboards in the precinct outside Money Matters, at the entrance to New Ferry Park, and outside New Ferry Village Hall.
With the recent spike in antisocial behaviour in New Ferry taking place in February and March 2023, Merseyside Police called an emergency public meeting to explain what has been happening and what they and other key agencies are trying to do in order to tackle the problem.
The following key points were raised by residents and discussed:
New Ferry Residents Association has gratefully received funding from Asda for daffodil bulbs to brighten up Shorefields at New Ferry.
We are organising a community bulb planting day at Shorefields on Sunday 2nd October 2022 from 10.30am. We will have lots of bulbs to plant around the new trees; you just need to come armed with the tools you will need to plant them (either a good trowel or a spade; a bag or box to put your allocation of bulbs into).
Let's make this an experience to remember and create something wonderful to see in the spring of many years to come, making Shorefields look more like the "cared for" community park which it deserves to be.
Meet opposite Pollitt Square at 10.30am.
New Ferry Community Land Trust has been working hard to make a difference in New Ferry. We’ve refurbished an empty building as two commercial units and 4 flats. We’ve organised, events, festivals, markets, monthly litter picks, fixed and put up the Christmas lights, funded planters with bedding plants, and funded alleyway improvements.
We’re now becoming a social landlord as we let the flats to local people, and we have plans to do more for New Ferry with the rent that these will bring in.
We need more volunteers within the community to step forward and help make New Ferry a better place for all. Have YOU got what it takes? Have you got skills and experience which
can help us? Do you have ideas/suggestions, or just some time on your hands to help us do what we do?
If the answer is yes, we’re looking for local people to join the New Ferry Community Land Trust as Members to work with our Board, to help us make decisions about future schemes and funding opportunities, or to volunteer to help with our events and markets. We are also seeking future Board members if you are especially dedicated to making a difference in New Ferry.
To request a CLT Membership Application Form, please either email us at newferryclt@gmail.com or write to us at New Ferry Community Land Trust, 78 New Chester Road, New Ferry, Wirral CH62 5AD. You can also find us on Facebook: NewFerryCLT.
Membership of the New Ferry Community Land Trust costs just £1 for your lifetime.
*All applications are subject to approval by the New Ferry CLT Board.
For years, everyone has complained about the sorry state of the former Rightway Building. The London-based owners were not willing to sell it for anything but an inflated price, and the Council has been trying to encourage them to invest in it themselves.
The prospect of redevelopment in New Ferry taking place on adjacent sites has now encouraged the owners to rethink their strategy and they have - finally - submitted a planning application to turn the building into 3 ground floor shops with an extension at the back to refurbish the upper levels to 9 x 1 bedroom flats (thankfully not HMOs!).
Will everyone who is interested in the development of New Ferry please have a look at the plans and comment on the proposals (use the link below).
Essentially, this development should be welcomed as a positive step to see building owners start to realise they cannot continue to leave their buildings to rot. This is exciting news for New Ferry, and long overdue. Let's encourage the owner to proceed as swiftly as possible and it would help if all those who have been asking for retail space in New Ferry to let them know your interest.
The Mid-Wirral Crime Prevention Panel is pleased to announce that football for young people has resumed on Friday evenings at the Oval Leisure Centre with funding it managed to win from the High Sherriff Fund and Tesco Bags for Life in 2020.
The programme has been successfully run for several years at the Oval, but the sessions in 2020 were postponed because of the pandemic and then delayed by vandalism to the pitches which the Council has now repaired.
The football sessions are FREE and for people aged 11 to 17, at the Oval Leisure Centre on Friday evenings from 5.30pm till 7.30pm. Led by specialist sports coaches organised by Wirral Council Sports Development.
Open to ALL genders. No booking required - just turn up to have some energetic fun.
Inspired by the murals which renowned street artist Paul Curtis has brought to New Ferry in recent months, and the colourful planters that have appeared in the high street and Bebington Road pedestrian area from funding awarded to the community, local children have contributed designs based on nature to decorate the back fence on a temporary community garden site that will be redeveloped next year.
New Ferry Community Land Trust had aspired to turn the site - previously populated with shops and homes that were obliterated in the 2017 explosion - into a temporary community garden with lawns, flower beds, benches and planters where local people could plant their own fruit and vegetables. The project, however, was beset with issues including the fact that the site was in multiple ownerships and permission could not be agreed from the various owners.
Since that time, however, Wirral Council has gradually purchased most of the properties using an acquisitions fund that it approved two years ago to bring forward a redevelopment scheme. The last of the wrecked properties will be demolished this summer once the final land sales are completed. Additional problems that prevented the community garden being realised included severe waterlogging of the site, and the Covid pandemic restrictions preventing the team from getting together to carry out any work.
With most of the site finally having been purchased by the Council, and with less than a year to go until it is redeveloped, volunteers at the New Ferry Community Land Trust have installed a temporary path across it to the rear fence. Covid restrictions and complicated insurance procedures have prevented local children from painting their designs onto the back fence themselves, so the artwork produced by the children of Grove Street Primary School has been printed onto vinyl panels that have been fixed to the fence which has become a temporary art gallery.
The artwork was produced partly from prepared stencils which the children coloured themselves, whilst some of the works produced are freeform from the childrens' own imaginations on the theme "nature". It is hoped that when the redevelopment of the site for shops and flats begins next year, the vinyl panels can be preserved and displayed at other locations in the future.
Members of the public are invited to walk across the site using the temporary bark path which has been installed, to see the artwork close up for themselves. Please take care when walking on it.
For years, residents have noticed that New Ferry's environment is not maintained to the same standards as those in more affluent areas of Wirral. In particular, some of our little pieces of open space which - at one time had trees, bushes and plants on them, now have very few. Some are now just bits of grass or weeds which seem to attract fly-tipped rubbish. New Ferry Residents Association has approached the Council to ask if they will reinstate the trees and flowers which used to be here, but their answer is that with the financial cut-backs they have had to endure, they "have no funding available for such improvements".
The Association is therefore going to apply to the Combined Regional Authority's Environmental Fund for money for trees and plants for three sites: 2 along New Ferry Road and a third at the Shorefields roundabout.
If we win the funding, we will use it to buy replacement planting material for these three sites and plant them up by ourselves, and bark mulch them so that future weed growth will be suppressed. We want plants that are of significant value to the local environment, attracting bees and other insects, and providing a food source for birds and other wildlife.
We are asking for volunteers from the community to (a) help us do the planting; and (b) volunteers to keep an eye on the beds in future, pulling out any weeds, picking up and disposing of small items of litter, or reporting to the council any serious rubbish dumping. If you would like to step forward to volunteer to do either of these, please drop us an email at newferryonline@gmail.com
As part of continuing improvements in New Ferry, and to celebrate the park’s Silver Jubilee, New Ferry Butterfly Park has received a £5,000 grant from the Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund (i.e. HM The Queen, Duke of Lancaster) towards the cost of new spectacular butterfly-themed gates. This award was given in recognition of the work the park does for the local community in providing a safe wildlife haven, an education space, a space for outdoor art works, and youth work with groups such as the Princes Trust, Guides and Scouts.
The aim of the new gate design is to provide a welcoming feature to the park, giving a flavour of what is beyond the entrance way. Currently, a dilapidated understated standard black metal gate with barbed wire is present, which is not very aesthetic, not very welcoming and does not give any indication of the park or what it stands for. The Comma butterfly is a strong recognizable image and it, along with the name clearly stated, will be visible from a distance and on approach to the Butterfly Park. These spectacular gates will help secure the site but offer the opportunity to provide a welcoming entrance and celebrate the Butterfly Park. The gates have been sensitively designed by Ed Snell of Above Zero Landscape Architecture.
Paul Loughnane, Hon. Secretary, New Ferry Butterfly Park exclaimed “This is really excellent news. Along with the murals in New Ferry town centre this is certainly brightening up the area. With various covid disruptions it has been a long journey to secure funding for these gates. The project has been supported by New Ferry and Port Sunlight Community Fund, Wirral Wildlife and Wirral Farmer’s Market Community Fund. Paul added “The park’s opening day on the first May Day Bank Holiday Sunday is a regular and well-loved feature of the New Ferry calendar. It is hoped to invite the Queen’s representative, the Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside to have an unveiling event then, Covid permitting. Next spring we hope to welcome back our visiting groups, as well as being open to anyone on Sunday afternoons.”
Contact and details: www.wirralwildlife.org.uk
New Ferry Residents Association has been awarded £5,000 in funding from Wirral Borough Council towards a £7,500 community-based project called "New Ferry - Dancing With Colours". This is the first phase of the project that will feature painted murals on several shops in the district centre.
The funding was part of the pot of money left over from the Council's "Hardship Fund" of £200,000 allocated last year to make payouts of £1,600 to each of the victims of the 2017 explosion. There was £19,000 of the money left over, so in January this year the Council offered it to local community groups as a "New Ferry and Port Sunlight Community Fund". The fund was advertised in the Wirral Globe, on the Council's website, in Wirral View, and on NewFerryOnline.
A group of traders in New Ferry stepped forward with an idea inspired by the successful scheme of colourful decorative murals painted onto the buildings in New Brighton. The artworks there have created a lot of interest, and have gone some way to brighten up the town. They asked if a similar scheme could happen in New Ferry to make our buildings look more interesting and colourful.
As a result, the community has come together to work on the first phase of a project we have called "New Ferry - Dancing With Colours". The New Ferry Residents Association submitted an application for and was awarded £5,000 for the first phase of murals which will go on the block of buildings close to the crossroads.
The work will be commissioned by the New Ferry Residents Association using the £5000 grant and also £2,500 funded by the participating businesses themselves. The art work will be painted by well known street artist Paul Curtis (https://www.paulcurtisartwork.com/). Work on the New Ferry murals is scheduled to commence next week (weather permitting). The artist reserves the right to make alterations to the actual designs used in the event of any copyright issues.
The mural project is the first of what we hope will be several phases. The Residents Association hopes to work with more traders who may be interested in taking the project further by applying for more funding from additional sources later this year. If you have a business in New Ferry and are interested in getting involved in the next phase, please email us at newferryonline@gmail.com.
Paul Curtis with one of his most famous mural creations in Liverpool's Baltic Triangle.
A series of outline planning applications for the rebuilding of the centre of New Ferry have just been submitted to Wirral Borough Council's Planning Department. These include for the redevelopment of the main explosion site, the site on the opposite side of Bebington Road(we call this the Griffiths/Lan's House site), and for part of the Woodhead Street Car Park and the mostly derelict buildings along that side of New Chester Road.
Following an extensive public consultation event that took place last year, the first two sites will be redeveloped with a mix of residential units and new retail space which was the preferred option selected by the community following the consultation event. Half of the Woodhead Street Car Park and adjacent properties will be redeveloped with flats and townhouses. 70 spaces will remain in the car park.
You can find links to view the outline planning applications here.
Obtaining outline planning permission is one of the things that needs to be put in place so that the Council can start the Compulsory Purchase Orders against property owners who are currently refusing to sell their land for this redevelopment to happen. Where this is happening, the Compulsory Purchase Order process unfortunately can take up to 2 years to complete, and this will delay any reconstruction work. The Council will keep the local community updated as this process progresses
We can announce, however, that the main explosion site is now in the Council's ownership in its entirety. The remaining foundations will be lowered in the next few months once a demolition contractor is appointed. The site will be temporarily surfaced with gravel so that it can be used by the community until the new development on that site begins. Being already in the Council's ownership, the Council are progressing this site to be the first phase that will be redeveloped, and they hope to announce the developer who will build the new shops and apartments on it later this summer.
Earlier this year, Wirral Borough Council were successful in their initial bid to the government's Future High Street Fund. They have now been asked to present a detailed business case for the £5.5 million worth of funding which will be used to buy up further empty properties in the district centre, redesign the precinct and how traffic moves around it, and create new parking to offset some of the parking being taken away from Woodhead Street Car Park.
The final report will be sent to the government, who will then make a decision sometime during this summer. This investment will also help to lay the groundwork for the emerging masterplan.
As is common knowledge, £500,000 has been awarded to New Ferry by Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram’s Combined Authority, through the City Region Town Centre Fund. Wirral Council will be managing the fund, working in collaboration with New Ferry Community Land Trust on a number of measures that will help reinvigorate the town centre.
Integral to this has been the Council and New Ferry CLT working together on the identification of suitable premises in New Ferry that can be refurbished with the grant, to enable them to be brought back into economic use. Typically, this will be a mix of uses – residential and commercial/retail. The Council and our own solicitors are currently finalising the legal agreement (GFA) that will underpin this partnership, although there are likely to be some unfortunate delays due to the current Covid-19 crisis.
Though we have, in the last six months, already tried to acquire several properties, we have been unable to do so. However, using the City Region grant monies, the Council have now purchased 78-80 New Chester Road (former Shillings). We were asked not to announce this latest information without the GFA having been signed. However, the Council have now given us permission to bring you this good news. Working with the council, it is our joint intention to complete the refurbishment of the building to enable the property to be let for residential and commercial uses at affordable rents. Given that it already has planning use as a public house, it would of course make an ideal pub again, but also could be used as a restaurant or for any other retail purpose for which we can apply for change of planning use depending on who comes to us asking to rent it.
We hope to be able to bring you further information about these exciting developments as soon as possible.
As you will recall, the Community Land Trust had been given permission to set up a temporary community garden in the centre of the development site where Lan's House stood. The ground was cleared last summer and topsoil laid, but unfortunately the constant wet weather left the site waterlogged and unworkable so that we could not lay the £500 worth of turf which the Council gave us a grant for.
More recently, the Council has purchased the former Griffiths Butchers and is currently preparing the building for demolition. Unfortunately this could impact on the topsoiled part of the garden, so we have been asked by the Council not to complete the garden until the Griffiths building has been demolished. As with the blast site, a contractor will be appointed in the coming weeks and the work will be carried out as soon as the pandemic restrictions are lifted. The plan is to gravel the site and use it to double the size of the Community Garden.
Last week we were awarded £5,000 from the New Ferry/Port Sunlight Community Grant Fund, some of which we will be using to purchase large planters to place on the garden site. These will be planted up with small trees which have been donated to us by the Woodland Trust, whilst local schools and groups will be planting fruit and vegetables in them which local people can harvest when they ripen.
The remainder of the grant will also be used to purchase special planters that will be fixed to the railings along New Chester Road, in which we will plant annual bedding plants to bring a splash of colour as part of a project we have called "New Ferry: Dancing with Colours". New plants will also go into the existing timber planters already lining the precinct.
Obviously, the pandemic will have some impact on things which the Community Land Trust is trying to progress. Our monthly litter picks have been suspended until further notice, our Easter Pop-up Market has been cancelled in line with government advice, and our Summer Festival in July has been postponed whilst we wait to see what is happening with the national situation before we can choose an alternative date. Part of the funding from the Combined Authority is allocated to help us organise these events both this year and through to 2021, so we will be making sure that we spend it to bring you events in the precinct to benefit everyone.
[Published 11 February 2020]
In 2018, New Ferry Residents Association and New FerryCommunity Land Trust produced and distributed a printed version of the New Ferry Business Directory to over 4,000 homes in New Ferry and some surrounding areas. Unfortunately we cannot afford to keep reprinting and redistributing the directory every year. It is, however, more cost effective to maintain the business listings online on this website. Inclusion on this website FREE to any business that is based either in New Ferry or Port Sunlight Village.
We are sorry, but we cannot include businesses whose address is not within these two areas - we cannot maintain and provide a directory for the whole of Wirral. (For businesses from outside New Ferry/Port Sunlight who wish to advertise to residents here, please read about the New Ferry Messenger Magazine).
To get your business included on this Directory, please either email us at newferryonline@gmail.com with your business name, details of what you sell or offer, your address and contact details; plus links to social media pages if you have them. Also include a photo for your listing.