Residents taking control of their own environment.
Since November 2018, a group of dedicated local residents and business people have volunteered to carry out a litter pick in and around New Ferry's District Centre.
After a health and safety briefing at every session, the volunteers are provided with hi-viz safety jackets, litter grabbers, bin bags and holders, and a range of brooms and gardening tools.
The team's efforts have not gone un-noticed, with several people commenting on how well they are doing in cutting down unsightly litter and fly-tipping around the district centre.
If you would like to join in and volunteer your time to help with this worthwhile effort, please come along to the litter picks which are usually held on the last Sunday of each month (except December). We meet at 10am at 78 New Chester Road (next door to Becky's Unique Sewing Boutique).
Sessions are usually announced on the New Ferry Community Land Trust Facebook page. Please check there before each event.